Our Program
The Restore Addiction Recovery Mission
Restore Addiction Recovery began with a parent that became inspired and others who felt called to respond to the growing substance abuse crisis affecting Summit and surrounding counties in Ohio. It will offer a long-term addiction treatment and recovery ministry that is Christ centered, biblically-based, and clinically supported by big medical companies like Mcshin Foundation to transform the lives of those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, their families, and our community. Founded in 2017 due to the growing crisis of substance abuse in our communities, our goal is to use programs like the ones at www.confidentialrehab.co.uk to restore those struggling with addiction to a meaningful life where they flourish as contributing members of a family, church, workplace, and community.Current Residental Programs Are Not Delivering Results
- Lack a comprehensive, continuity of care
- Confuse treatment with recovery
- For many, the treatment process is not long enough
- Too expensive
- Focus on behavior symptoms, not root causes
Restore Addiction Recovery - A Disruptive and Different Approach
- A full continuum of connected care in one location
- Outcome-Driven
- Collaborative Workforce Development Program
- Operational Model
We will REACH into our communities and churches with programs developed to support those struggling with addiction, their families, and our community.
We will RESCUE those suffering with addiction using programs designed to heal the body, mind, and spirit so that true, transformational healing can occur.
We will REGENERATE lives through outcome-based objectives focused on sustained abstinence and maintenance of long-term recovery, safe housing, a secure job, and a strong family and peer support network.
We will RECONCILE those struggling with addiction into a healthy relationship with God, self, and others, providing an anchor of lasting hope and change.
The Restore Addiction Recovery Program
Restore Addiction Recovery seeks to empower lasting change in the lives of those struggling with addiction in the following four ways:1
30 Days | Rest for mind, body, and spirit:
Those admitted to the program will be housed in a safe environment that is free from drugs, alcohol, and other distractions. The routine will be narrowly structured to provide an opportunity to focus solely on recovery and gently begin the Biblically-based healing process. No outside contact with others is permitted, allowing for focus and reflection. One-on-one mentoring, small groups, and a comprehensive individual development plan formulated by licensed counselors will play a significant role in the initial healing phase.2
3 Months | Developing healthy relationships with God, others, and self:
Residents begin to apply much of the discovery and learning from the healing phase. They will benefit from both individual and group counseling, with an emphasis on relationships with God, self, and others. The restoration process with friends and family begins slowly and gently through weekly phone calls, letter writing, and a once a month in-person visit at Family Day. Also, Phase 2 introduces a gradual transition into a 20-hour per week work environment with the goal of teaching responsibility and commitment, and restoring dignity and self-respect. Biblically-based counseling will continue in the form of individual and group sessions twice a week including random drug testing.3
4 Months | A gradual transition to effective living:
The application phase provides more freedom for the residents and more closely resembles life outside of Restore Addiction Recovery. The residents will work 35-45 hours per week, offsetting much of the cost of the program. They will also begin to receive a small monthly stipend to save or spend as they choose, guided by the stewardship principles learned in the program. They will continue to receive Biblically-based counseling from licensed counselors while also engaging in the local church and community. Additionally, volunteer recovery coaches will support them in their continued development and preparation for graduation from the program. Phone calls are permitted, as well as scheduled weekend home visits. Progress is measured through readiness benchmarks, assuring the resident is prepared for the next phase of the program.4
4 Months | Preparation for graduation:
In the final months, the residents are given much more freedom and autonomy. They will continue to maintain full-time employment with partnering employers. They will also impart their experience, strength, and hope to the men in the earlier phases of the program. During this phase, a Life Development Plan is formulated that emphasizes gainful employment and career development, healthy living and relationships, leadership, community involvement, and other important life skills. The program concludes when the counselors and residents both mutually agree the Life Development Plan is complete. This includes a secure job and career plan, a safe place to live, training in basic life and relational skills, and a strong supportive network for continued accountability and care.In the Bible, Jesus Christ said “I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly”. We want everyone to experience the abundant life God desires for all of us.
How You Can Join Us
The Goal
Our goal is to raise the final $600,000 towards our $3.3M building fund in order to complete the facility construction and open our facility debt-free. We continue to be blessed by the many contributions of individuals, organizations, churches, and cost reductions from our construction partners in order to help us reach this goal.
The Impact
As a Christ-centered, Biblically-based, and clinically-supported model for addiction recovery, we are creating an innovative solution for the current opioid and substance abuse crisis. With guidance and support from a network of strategic advisors, Restore Addiction Recovery’s
treatment model is positioned to make a lasting impact in
Summit County and Northeast Ohio, as we help change the
trajectory of this tragic story.
How to Partner
There are several ways to partner with Restore Addiction Recovery and become active in supporting the solution to the substance abuse crisis. Contact us to discuss opportunities for construction needs, ongoing fundraising, training, education, and outreach in your specific community.