Our Approach
A Different Approach To Recovery
At Restore Addiction Recovery, we offer a unique, long-term, faith-based program that addresses the substance abuse crisis with a comprehensive solution. We want to help each man find lifelong recovery.
Our 12-month program provides not only time for the body and brain to begin to heal, but time to develop and apply new thinking and behavior patterns necessary for a successful sober life. Our focus and effort is placed on life after treatment, which includes a well-paying job, safe place to live, an emphasis on staying in healthy community, and a strong support system for long-term accountability. We want to restore men and their families back to a meaningful life, free from addiction, and filled with new purpose. Every man in our program receives loving, individualized care.
Foundation of Faith
We know that lasting transformation is possible through Jesus Christ. Our faith-based approach is the foundation of our program, as we believe that finding a unique purpose in Jesus Christ is a critical step to recovery.
A 12-Month Program
Research shows that many struggling with acute addiction require at least 3 to 6 months to develop new thinking skills and learning processes. Depending on the severity and duration of their addiction, they often require not just rehabilitation but also habilitation—learning basic life skills essential for daily functioning. This outcome is challenging to achieve in 6 months or less. Our 12-month program allows time for the body and brain to heal while fostering new thinking and behaviors necessary for a sober life.
Individualized Care
We see every man in our program as unique and focus their care according to their specific needs. There is no "one size fits all" solution when it comes to addiction recovery. At Restore, men benefit from 1-1 counseling, mentorship, and finacial coaching. Our focus and effort is placed on lauching men back into the "real" world, which includes a well-paying job, safe place to live, an emphasis on staying in healthy community, and a strong support system for long-term accountability.
Centralized Location
Restore Addiction Recovery offers a full continuum of connected care in one location. Our integrated services include practical life coaching, healthy community building, and mentorship, all provided by trained coordinators and licensed counselors under the same roof.
Outcome Driven
Our four core objectives are relatonship restoration, development of vocational skills in real jobs leading to full-time employment, securing a safe place to live that fosters healthy community, and involvement in supportive aftercare for continued growth. Our goal is to prepare each man for life outside of our doors so they can flourish in the "real world" upon graduating.
Community Connected
Our Community Partner Work Program partners with local businesses to fill needed jobs while providing real-life training and work experience for the men in our program. This partnership lowers our operating costs and helps us continue to offer Restore Addiction Recovery to be free for residents.
Replicable Model
Through the Community Partner Program, the participants pay for a significant portion of their costs, allowing Restore Addiction Recovery to operate at a fraction of the cost of other recovery programs. We believe we have a model that can be replicated across the country, and our goal is to assist in the development of more locations in the coming years.